
Showing posts from February, 2022

T.R.I.C.K.Y. VS N.A.T.O.- an October 1917 moment in Russia.

We are living in a very tricky world with international relations changing by the who is this new emerging bloc of unlikely partners and what has it got to do with anything with World War 3 on the brink of manifesting any minute now ! we are winning... OR ARE WE? - If Russia wanted they could easily carpetbomb and destroy the cities and march right in to every one.... but instead they are holding back..  strategy not of shock and awe which is of the US but "constriction" by increased pressure like a boa constrictor.. leaving everything pretty much intact.. Its CNN goading things on and wanting the bombs everywhere. In Iraq it was a 24-7 mass assailt with tons of bombs on Baghdad.. yet Kiev has access  got internet and phone. why? russia!could switch it off at any time  .  like the qest can switch off rissian gas.. but dont.. so what is teally going on ?  is this a!war or a standoff?  and why paid soldiers not conscripts t...


REAL RAINBOW WARRIORS STAND UP!  the rainbow vision began as a vision for World Peace in 1969 in Morocco with Gareth Beck and came to Vortex festival...with Barry Adams and Gary and Rainbow Hawk..and Fantuzzi... lets remember  where we came from.  you cannot control something like this.. its fluid like water.. untouchable as air  as warm as fire and solid as the earth we stand upon. the prophecy of the white buffalo is great.  so is the unconditional love and saving the trees.. and eating veggies.. and the music.. but its all about PEACE & LOVE & LIGHT.. this is rainbow. we are transparent.  In 1970. it has survived because of its powerful vision and the people that have stood up for this vision..  PEACE. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 thats what people came together for in colorado in 1972. 50 years ago. 🖖 I've worked tirelessly alongside my brothers and sisters of all tribes and tongues..  over the last 35 years to spread the idea...


OUR REWILDING SAFARI OF THE ANCIENTS TO SERRABIT EL KHADIM - ( the guradian stones )  IF the MKFST was symbolic WHY was it portayed as bread. given... next to the ankh... the cross of ? TO SYMBOLISE ETERNAL.LIFE..POWER.. LONGEVITY..ETC  why BREAD?. it was symbolised as a conical pyramidic hieroglyphic triangle ...given in an outstretched hand to the recipient. it was also portayed as a gift of the gods from  god or goddess to god or goddess . and if given to humans ..  it is written on every hieroglyphic story throughout ancient egyptian history (  its symbolised by a triangle looking like a tipi. ) it was more precious than gold.... WHY ? because it showed the path to eternal LIFE it was a teaching. a doctrine.. ..and it gave the know -how - the technology to build the pyramids and other similar structures...some of which we cannot reproduce today.  -because bread is not just bread IN  ancient times or now.. its always regarde...


2022 Is the anniversary of pan anarchism.. an economic system founded on essentially the principle of Mr Mikael Bakunin.  Bakunin and his comrade mr Kropokin realised that even if you had wealth in the hands of the people or the means of production.. but CENTRALISED power.  comunism or socialism like CAPITALISM... would simply not work.It was doomed to fail.  Eventually.  The only reason capitalism lasted this long is because the ones on top of the pyramid convinced the others below them they would get a crack at being on top one of these days is they worked hard and saved...and accepted this was the most stable one ...  and convinced those below that there was no better economic system available to humans.( it worked). but the truth is...  it works for the few not the many.. because the bigger stick you have the more likely you are to win in a fight.   if i have a sword and you have a bazooka.. is it a fair fight...