T.R.I.C.K.Y. VS N.A.T.O.- an October 1917 moment in Russia.
We are living in a very tricky world with international relations changing by the minute...so who is this new emerging bloc of unlikely partners and what has it got to do with anything with World War 3 on the brink of manifesting any minute now ! we are winning... OR ARE WE? - If Russia wanted they could easily carpetbomb and destroy the cities and march right in to every one.... but instead they are holding back.. strategy not of shock and awe which is of the US but "constriction" by increased pressure like a boa constrictor.. leaving everything pretty much intact.. Its CNN goading things on and wanting the bombs everywhere. In Iraq it was a 24-7 mass assailt with tons of bombs on Baghdad.. yet Kiev has access got internet and phone. why? russia!could switch it off at any time . like the qest can switch off rissian gas.. but dont.. so what is teally going on ? is this a!war or a standoff? and why paid soldiers not conscripts t...