T.R.I.C.K.Y. VS N.A.T.O.- an October 1917 moment in Russia.

We are living in a very tricky world with international relations changing by the minute...so who is this new emerging bloc of unlikely partners and what has it got to do with anything with World War 3 on the brink of manifesting any minute now !

we are winning...

OR ARE WE? - If Russia wanted they could easily carpetbomb and destroy the cities and march right in to every one.... but instead they are holding back..  strategy not of shock and awe which is of the US but "constriction" by increased pressure like a boa constrictor.. leaving everything pretty much intact.. Its CNN goading things on and wanting the bombs everywhere. In Iraq it was a 24-7 mass assailt with tons of bombs on Baghdad.. yet Kiev has access  got internet and phone. why? russia!could switch it off at any time  .  like the qest can switch off rissian gas.. but dont.. so what is teally going on ? 

is this a!war or a standoff? 

and why paid soldiers not conscripts to invade Ukraine?

No problem. Ukrainians and Russiand are brothers like Austrians and Germans or Welsh and English. 

-and yet everyone is petrified of a nuclear war. Putin is taking his time. He is playing hide and seek and wants things to be intact post incursion. 

Actually its a replay of the St Perterserg rebellion in 1917. 

Meanwhile Armageddon is upon us.. the rest of the world is standing still...and watching. Sanctions and and resuplly is one thing but until you control the air over Ukraine.. the war is far from over. 

 And the media are like hungry dogs .  vilifying the Russians to stoke up ...all emotions. false reporting. planes fron all sides bomb innocent civilians and nobody says nothing. 

The Russians have held back.

 They already own the skies and could do anything they want including bringing Kiev down like rubble. In one day. 

But world war 3?...what about it?

Its already in the consciousness but nobody is talking about it... thanks to a hampering of FREE speech. And debate. 


Certainly the ones who created this crisis with NATO was in fact the WEST- America... but we are here now.. and something has to be done. 
TRUTH has to be told.

- HISTORY has to be retold..REWILDED!!!- correctly. 

if you think i'm joking.. read this : its real Turkey and China are tooling up alongside Russia and Iran.

FREE SPEECH and freedom has to be restored by the American publishing oligarchs like Twitter Dorsey and Facebook Zuckerberg and Gates You tube and Bizos Amazon... we need to restore FAITH in European democracy.. this is why we are having this existential crisis between West and East. 

But without someone taking a look in the mirror.. we are all going to knock our heads against each other. 

the other option is UNTHINKABLE! 

Banning SWIFT ( Society for Worldwide International Foreign Transactions  from Belgium is only a temporary solution to bring Putin to the table. ( -it must be done and done UNILATERALLY AND IMMEDIATELY TO ALL WHO SUPPORT RUSSIA. 

THIS IS WAR..but in truth it will only affect transfer of cash by around 5% and is basicly toothless in the face of tanks and IBMS..  and the West will also suffer.  But it needs to be done ).. and stop all oil sales . Thats sanctions... but they havnt...incl.The USA! 
 ...and then go after all the ICECREAM of Russian oligarchs and their enablers .. yes good... take away their parties and celebratory princess weddings all good... whether Putin is worth 100 billion or not...it matters not.. hes FIRED! ...  or if he has some palace or not.. He's DONE! -

 this is not the issue anymore...  but WHEN will he go. ? and dont look to an imprisoned ALEXEI NAVALNY to help... yes just another western puppet. Hes not Russias savior.. the SPRING is.  Russia needs an Arab spring. 

 This must be A MASS UPRISING OF THE PEOPLE! The leader will manifest .. will come! 
-but you are going to need the PEOPLE of Russia to stop this Tsar from pushing any more buttons.

  We need the voice of a Russian Trotsky to convince the military to stand down. 

Nothing else will do it.


-and the thing Putin fears IN THIS CHESS GAME... is THE OCTOBER 1917 again -a Trotsky Moment ...with him facing an angry mob in St Petersberg or Moscow from the army...navy or airforce. 


 Not even a facesaving contract with the West. I personaly feel that Putin has been not ALL out. 

-  He could have been- but hasnt.

 Until now. Hes just moved another piece forward to force the West to the table.. nuclear weapons! Hes a chess player.. if anything mobile crematoriums are not going to stop the sacrifice of 1000s of Russians lives. 

He wants it to end and end well. With him and his cronies and oligarchs on top. 

But this time its different. 

He has harmed Russia. 

This is the crossroads. 

If resolution doesnt happen soon Putins political life is over. 

its an OCTOBER REVOLUTION IN FEBRUARY. A revolutionary .. Trotsky moment 
The rouble is down over 30% and descending daily. Sanctions have to end. War has to end. 
 This is the guy who can stop Putin! 



- and the cause of World Peace...he is the pawn that must be sacrificed.. how he goes is the issue.. but he must go for the sake of "Mother Russia! "...and it will be his own people who do it. Not the West. 
But One thing we must give Putin .. he has shown how naked American politics is with Biden as a fake president in power. 

AMERICAN POLITRICKS has to be reformed. We need a multiparty system.in the USA. not bi-party. 

Capitalism must be COMPOSTED ( this is the 150th anniverssary of anarchism.. true anarchism not chaos... anarchy.org ... solidarity.fm...earthoceans.org. There us a better idea and a better way.... and its not socialism...or capitalism... 

its" ENVIRONOMISM"- symbiosis. synergy...

Permaculture principles of fairness.. and no senseless nationalist wars over resources. 

Mass change or MASS WAR. 

Thats how important it is to have FREE SPEECH and democracy in America.. and FREE and FAIR elections. 
Something has to change. 

Turkey- Russia-Iran -India-China-Korea ( north) -Yemen(TRICKY) VS the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation ( NATO). 

ITS EASY to lay the blame all on Putin without knowing all the preceding and proceeding factors affecting partnerships and ambitions of petty national agendas...  and there are MANY!

Lets talk first about the most military powerful country in the world.. USA... it has a long record of military and arbitary interventions.

  Lets take a quick look : 

For the last 80 years America has set the political agenda. Held the narrative.. and defeated most of her enemies.. yet in 2020 they were defeated from within by a dubious democratic election and later hounded out of Afghanistan... this weakness was portayed by Putin as a carte blanche to invade... certainly it is doubtful it would have happened under Trump. 
Putin saw the weak president in charge.. Mr Biden.  and in the vacuum.. ATTACKED.

 If there is anyone to blame for giving enough rope to putin.. it is the Democrats. 

In truth .. the portal is OPEN and consciousness has accelerated.. theres been a paradigm shift.

 We live on ONE rock spinning around the Sun. We are universal beings travelling through space and time...not Russian .. not american.. they are just mind  constructs !


BUT this is not the only factor that gave Putin the push over the edge.. there was massive corruption in Ukraine ... NATOs arming of the regime.. the Eastern war in Donesk and Mariopol.. the russophile and historical link since Belorus and Ukraine are largely Russian speaking.  as Austria was German speaking.  

BUT largely it was the lack of leadership from the USA.  unless of course ... it was predicted by the NEO cons wanting to increase arms sales to.the world and reduce the TRILLION dollar deficit incurred by the pandemic. 
Again we should be thanking Trump for telling the European nations of NATO to pay their fair share. 

 Right again

TAKEN together.  the censorship by social media giants like Facebook.. the demise of the capitalist democracy in the 2020 American elections..the ongoing unjustified sanctions by the West ...The weakness of Americas response in Afghanistan... it all encouraged all the dictators of the world to rub their hands in glee.  

...it was a perfect storm for an avaricious hungry neighnour.
( And Ukraine has a lot of oil and gas to pay for the war )
So today Putin is now a war criminal. He has 3 options.

 Resign .. or be thrown out...

or go all out and FLATTEN all opposition. Destroy Ukraine completely... which was never Putins intention!( he felt like Hitler incorporating Austria into a freater Germany )

He had hoped they would again capitulate like in Crimea. But his assessment was wrong.. and he's left with a fight for his own political life...or stay the course and dig in deep. 

But either way.  Whatever happens. Ukraine will become the newest member of Nato- if Putin survives or not. The majority of Ukrainians do not want to be part of a Greater Russia. ( Putin must have known this )

That is if China and Turkey doesnt jump off the fence. ( it is all about timing and opportunity)

And that is what the shadow governments REALLY want... To increase arms budgets.

Its a cash cow that controls the masses.



 Stengthen the dollar and improve business .. resources.. and territory.  This is high politics. 


And lots of blood. 

Now about Turkey. 
They are NATO. But they have teamed up.with Russia in Syria...since 2017 -Against ISIS. They won in North Cyprus in a standoff with the American fleet in 1974 and in World War One in Gallipoli seeing off Churchill...and they repopulated an entire continent that was once Christian and Greek and Armenian... But nobody talks about it. 

-so they are not to be underestimated. Blood is hot. 

 Today they help Ukraine because a strong Russia is not in their natuonal interest in the longterm. . Plus they as warriors honor bravery and valor. They respect adversaries who.fight wity honor. 

And the Ukrainians have fought with honor against a bigger more powerful force. 

They are warriors and used to run the Islamic empire for 500 years under the Ottomans. We ignore them.at our own peril.. and thats why thet are in " T.R.I.C.K.Y." and  a marriage pact of convenience.. its a 3D chess game. we cant believe the mainstream propaganda machines. 

look at this..  ( if you thought tricky doesnt exist ) ...think again. 

And since 2012 Erdogan has increased TAXATION and PROCUREMENT  dramatically. THEIR longterm designs are to unite the TURKIC tribes and to formulate the state of " TURAN" .
 Turkey is run by a right wing nationalist who believes in the Ergenekon legend and is probably a Grey Wolf sympathiser.

 So these billions have gone into building the military for the last decade. 
With a view of later joining the "TRICKY" alliance... in the least case as a means to achieving this grand dream and perhaps of attacking Israel and occupying Syria alongside Russia.. certainly of neutralising the Kurds for good. ( one in 3 citizens of Israel are Russian speaking - many oligarchs already live there )...and yet this all seems fanciful to the most imaginative of persons.

...sounds quite unlikely!

Then there is the Yemeni mess... the Saudis are looking after the " recognised" leader of Yemen which upsets everything going on. And they are trying to act as a counterbalance to Iran. 


What is the link of the genocide of the  Yemenis. who gains ? Saudi Arabia...but how many people have been killed for that stupid cause ? For what? 

Saudi is modernising under the crown prince...women can drive now in the Holy Land...   whilst most of the Islamic world is angry at him for relaxing standards.   and this has long term repurcussions in the ideological battle of purists and Salafis. 

Then there is power and influence.  Yemen is a testground for American and European weaponry.. and Iran wants more influence through Yemen and Iraq and Syria to further the Islamic revolution...whether its Yemen or syria.. . and the ultimate destruction of the state of Israel

YES--- its an UNLIKELY alliance indeed!

-but Yemen is key to the ideological struggle. 

THEN there is the North Koreans. They want the South and nuclear weapons. 

So they arn't going to sanction Russia or China.  Bitcoin is going to go up. 

Finally theres China. Reeling from accusations of unleashing the covid 19 pandemic and tanking the world.. "Operation Shipwreck" has resurfaces and the grand vision of chinas New Mao is to UNITE all China including Taiwan. With the Pandemic over and the the winter Olympics over.. with the russian bear on the move...with a WEAK ILLEGITIMATE AMERICAN LEADER in power ..  nothing is stopping the chinese panda to take action stIck two fingers up to Western DEMOCRACY. 


IF XI is to act against Taiwan..  it is now. Within the next minth or so. But the Chinese want to see Russia take the fall first. A weakened Russia and America is food for China. They are simply biding their time for the right moment. 


-uniting nearly 2 or 3 billion guys and gals ..  all against the pupular narratuve.. its a problem... a "tricky"one ! one that should be resolved with diplomacy and most all .. CONTEXT ... truth and COHERENCE ! - forget the greandstanding. 

In truth this is about 2035. Its all about the new economic order and who controls it. 

 once and for all.. and to implent and solidify Chinas role as the MANUFACTURER of the world as well as supplier of the new AI 5 G com networks which will put China financially secure for the next 20 years and equal almost to America. 

All they need is some poweful partners.. and with tricky... they have it. The EU will simply capitulate and the US will standalone with Britain.. and will eventually have to accept the New TRICKY  Order... unless they can divide and rule this strange alliance.. 

"BEIJING (Reuters) - China’s President Xi Jinping said on Friday the aim of his Belt and Road initiative is to advance win-win cooperation among countries and build a new platform for international trade, while also creating development opportunities for China."

 They want the silk road or belt & road and to remain powerful as the factory of the world .. and the BIG chip... REUNIFICATION with Taiwan. TOGETHER "T.R.I.C.K.Y." are "GOG AND MAGOG "on heat!!

- and CENTRAL to all of this play is .. what happens next ?

 a WAR on a second front will solidify this strange "TRICKY" alliance... but I foresee Turkey breaking away from Nato at the right moment... but not before things play out as it predicts.

 Russia winning the war and forcing the EU to drop sanctions against Russia. But they are not naive. 

They know this probably wont happen so they are still on the fence.. working for the best interest of the Turkish vision of the world. 

China should act on Taiwan shortly.. if this prediction is correct.  which will bring the world to the edge of a nuclear abyss once again not seen since 1960s Cuban missile crisis.  thats why the worlds economic hegemony must be overthrown with an original idea.   

Do you trust Joe to muddle through it ? I dont. Hes a puppet. 

BUT the clever analysts all know these possible outcomes. In the best scenario .. the west wins and crypto rules... and we own nothing.. and are happy!!!

LETS not get distracted and infected by another pandemic.  one of paranoia. 

So if Putin has seen all these outcomes he knows hes working for the NWO in the end. And hes not bothered. 

Russia is todays bad guy...but it wasnt always the case. America has acted no differently in the past. Who benefitted ? World Peace ? the rich guys who own the media - car -steel and oil cartels ...or the value of the American dollar? ..or the weapons of war... we dont need to be cynical anymore because weve been here before only now... in October 1917. ... its the RUSSIAN people that can turn things around. 

and to stop Putin they will have to. The road that Putin is going down has only one resolution.

 Russias End!

The majority of the Ukrainian people do not want to live under a dictatorship. And even if Putin flattens Kiev ...it wont end. Russia will be a paraiah state.

 For the people of Russia that means decades of repression ..oppression and economic hardship. 

SO someone like Trotsky needs to stand up and speak. Russian soldiers need to disobey any direct orders from the Putin regime.. 

Its hard. But its been done before. Putin has faithfully served the cause of Russia until now. But he has become a Tsar .. a Stalin... someone that is damaging the reputation of Russia.

 The moment has come for Putin to go. But it is the Russians .. the ordinary people that must stand up to this man.. just like in the October Revolution or the Kronstadt rebellion of 1921. it cannot be otherwise. 

Just like Troysky did in 1917 with the sailors in St Petersberg... who MUTINIED..  who will rally the army to stand down and overthrow Putin for the good of Russia? 

Even if all the arguments are correct and in favor of Putins invasion.  Because that is exactly what it is. 

TURNING THE TIDE of history requires Russian soldiers to stand up and REFUSE orders from PUTIN himself.. but there is a precedent.. at this time it was Trotsky that swayed the minds of individuals who had the power to implement change at the highest level. History hasnt really acknowledged this fact.

 Here is the quote : 
"On October 30, a meeting of representatives of all the Petrograd regiments passed a resolution: “The Petrograd garrison no longer recognises the Provisional Government. The Petrograd Soviet is our Government. We will obey only the orders of the Petrograd Soviet, through the Military Revolutionary Committee.” The local military units were ordered to wait for instructions from the Soldiers’ Section of the Petrograd Soviet."

General Valery Gerasimov is the head of the military in Russia...it is this man that either needs to go -or needs to say NO to Putin. 

It must be a"Trostsky Moment" for the people of Russia. 

As soon as the pandemic is over .. we get a regional conflict that could suck in the worlds most dangerous superpowers. What is really going on with this latest incursion into Ukraine ? 

Most of us have heard the normal arguments .. Putin the modern Tsar of Russia has lost his head.  Hes let power affect his decision making process and led Russia into a war it cannot possibly WIN. 
For you and me..  we just need to trust in God.. no government. . no facebook.. no Putin... no agenda. we are beyond natuonal boundaries and agendas and egos. 

People power .. we are the power... nobody else. 

Just believe

"humanity is sentient not separate from and with all living beings and across all national boundaries.. we are symbiotic! "



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