ITS THE YEAR 2022! - how did they know ?

Its the year 2022.. this movie predicted in 2022 we would be reduced to surviving on cannibalism due on overpopulation..

what if nuclear war broke out tomorrow  and ALL the supply chains.. just broke down. the internet STOPPED. mobile phones were Down. economic collapse. .. no food. a pandemic. 


under every current regime.. it will break down..down to yhe ground without ordered syructure of some kind.. whether volunteerism or not .
society as we know it .. will break apart and descend into total barbary and utter anarchy of the bad bad kind.  and the biggest gun on the block.. will rule once more. 

back to the wild west again. 

or... will it be"  you will be happy mr klaaas and friends....and you will own nothing crew " cheering?

who would have thought that we are here.. on armageddons door. 

yet again.. but after the plandwmic .. we needed a distraction.. a big one and someone is clapping on. all the way to the bank. 

eating one another instead of LOVING one another. 

war in Ukraine- virus- poverty. 

 what next ? 

a nuclear winter ? 

and today although we are not to this extreme .. ( just on the edge)...we have a lot more people. . and less resources. its a growing problem with can only change if we start addressing the core issues. what we eat...

 consume and do to our environment and ourselves. the rewilding project is dedicated to ensuring this dystopian scenario does not happen.

but how do we do that ? first we need to educate ourselves to the challenges, secondly to motivate ourselves to doing something about the problems and thirdly .. manifest or activate solutions to the massive challenges in front of us.

i watched soylent gren as a 10 year old boy. many times. it fascinated me that on yhe one side we have a petfect world.. liberal and kind and encouraging euphanasia.. and on the other.  you have total chaos .  starvation.  and atavism. 

a greedy selfish new age culture needing a reality check . 

is there good and an evil ? a right and a wrong ? 

not according to.the new age. 

and in soylent green the machine has taken over and the algorithms dont include LOVE.. HUMAN CONSCIENCE .. and human ethics. 

this is what we are fighting against. an apathic, self centred.. selfish  and egotistic world. 

a world where soylent green is a,distant horror and us where to remind us if we become roo complacent with the hew age or articial intelligence.  or non human ethics. 

this is why we should program.the algorithms.  not the machine. ..not soylent green. 

2022... 50 years later.  imagine 50 years from now when AI runs the world.. in in 2072. 

will you be food for the worms or food for thought ? for the younger mote fitter humans or food for the mycellium to fed the trees.  the wind.. and the air you breayhe? 


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